Nungar Knots Yatching Rope Headstall Knotted - 6mm
The SOLID COLOUR selection - choose from 7 different solid colours
and 7 sizes - Mini to Draft.
- Arab size is a Cob size headstall with a smaller nose
Click HERE to see the PATTERN Selection and EXCLUSIVE COLOURS
The knotted yachting rope headstalls are constructed from double braided polyester yachting rope in either 6mm or 8mm diameter rope.
Click HERE for 8mm Nungar Knots Rope Headstalls.
These very high quality headstalls are manufactured to strict guidelines to assure the high quality standard of materials and craftsmanship are maintained as with all the Nungar Knots range. The main feature of the Nungar Knots range of headstalls is the mechanically tightened Fiador knot (knot under the chin) to reduce the risk of loosening. True sizing has been used to ensure the headstall size will match the size of the horse. Ie. The fulls are big to fit a true full size horse.
Important note: ALWAYS attach the lead onto BOTH loops of the Fiador Knot to avoid pulling the knot undone.